Serving The Community For Generations

A Trusted Law Firm For Serious Criminal Law Matters

If you have been charged with a crime in Indiana, the steps you take right away will have a significant impact on your future. One of the most important things you can do is to speak with an experienced criminal defense attorney. Without a knowledgeable lawyers’ guidance and insight into your situation, you could make decisions that make the outcome much worse than it has to be.

At the law firm of Denman Law, we have extensive experience protecting the rights of people accused of crimes in Huntington County and throughout surrounding Indiana communities. For more than 140 years, we have built trust in the community. When the stakes are at their highest, people trust us with the most critical criminal defense matters.

Handling All Types Of Criminal Law Matters

We defend clients against a broad range of criminal charges in Indiana, including:

  • Drunk driving: We handle all types of operating while intoxicated (OWI) cases, including those involving breath test refusal and underage drinking. We can protect your rights on all fronts, including criminal proceedings and the administrative process of fighting a driver’s license suspension.
  • Drug crimes: Marijuana, meth and opioids continue to be a problem in Huntington County, but suspicion of any illegal drug activity will trigger aggressive action by the police. We will provide you with strong representation against any drug-related charge, including drug possession, distribution, cultivation and manufacturing. When it is in our clients’ best interests, we seek alternative sentencing and diversion programs such as drug court or veteran’s court.
  • Domestic violence: Charges of battery and domestic abuse can affect many aspects of your life, from the time you are allowed to spend with your children to your right to possess a firearm. Our lawyers are here to limit the damage to the greatest possible extent.
  • Juvenile crimes: When minors are accused of crimes, their future educational and employment prospects are deeply affected. We defend juveniles accused of shoplifting, underage drinking, drug possession, vandalism and other offenses, working hard to protect their futures.

The scope of our criminal defense practice also includes weapons offenses, white collar crimes, sex crimes and other felony and misdemeanor charges in Indiana. Our lawyers are here to provide you with a strong voice in the criminal justice system.

You Don’t Have To Face This Charge Alone

Even if it seems like it’s you against the world, we are here to be your ally and advocate for a difficult process. To arrange a consultation with an experienced criminal defense lawyer in Huntington County, contact our law offices online or by telephone at 260-356-7030.